California parents who are splitting up will have to deal with issues of child custody. If you're going into a custody battle, you'll need to know what sort of factors can determine who is awarded primary custody, and what might be a strike against you if you're trying to win it.
The Spruce lists out a number of different factors that courts take into consideration when determining how to deal with child custody. Some are obvious factors, such as whether or not you have a criminal history or any felonies on your record. Your physical and mental health will also be taken into consideration, as there are some situations in which one parent may not be considered fit to raise a child on their own by the courts.
The interpersonal relationships in your family will also likely be scrutinized. For example, how well you and your ex-spouse can get along will be examined. Your closeness with the child in question may be looked at as well. Consistency and provisional capabilities are also big factors. For example, if you were taking care of your child for the majority of your relationship, the judge may vote for this to continue for the sake of normalcy. If you have the ability to financially provide for your child in a better way than your ex-spouse, this may also be considered.
In the end, no two cases of child custody are determined in the same way. It's all up to your unique dynamic as a family, and your relationships with one another.
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