When many in California think of divorce, often thoughts of a contentious battle between spouses come to mind. Yet divorcing couples across the country are trying to change the face of divorcing families in order to protect their children.
As USA Today reports, an increasing number of divorcing spouses are looking for ways to keep the peace so the family unit remains close to unchanged. This may look like a divorced couple becoming neighbors so their children can walk between houses or the entire family celebrating the holidays together. While this is not a solution for couples where there is abuse involved, many couples splitting up are able to put their feelings aside for the kids and remain in amicable communication.
When this is possible, a new study suggests that it can benefit the children's long-term health. According to reports from Reuters, research from Carnegie Mellon University found links between bitter divorces and lower immune responses in adults whose parents divorced in their childhood. After quarantining 201 healthy adults who were exposed to a common cold virus, the researchers monitored the adults for signs of respiratory illness. The participants who had parents divorce in childhood and stop speaking to one another were 3.3 times as likely to develop a cold than those who had parents who stayed together. Those who had their parents divorce as children but remain in contact had no increased risk of contracting the virus. The participants whose parents had bitter divorces also showed increased signs of inflammation, which researchers believe could be part of the reason they contracted the virus.
This study is part of a growing body of work showing that children of divorce suffer health effects. However, this is the first study to suggest that the level of acrimony in the divorce could actually be a significant factor for the children involved.
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