Understanding the types of domestic violence in California can help you determine if you are a victim of this form of abuse. While most people recognize that physical abuse is not okay, there are other forms that are less common, but just as destructive. We at the Law Office of Steven Medearis have outlined some types that are not as well-known so that you can get help if you are caught in a dangerous relationship.
According to American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress, your partner can actually commit spiritual abuse by controlling your family's religious preferences. If he or she ridicules you, prevents you from practicing or forces beliefs that you do not agree with onto your children, this is considered spiritual abuse. Manipulating you with spiritual beliefs is also wrong.
Other forms of abuse can concern your economic or financial situation. If your partner demands that you choose a certain occupation or prevents you from working altogether, you may be experiencing this type of abuse. This can also happen if your partner withholds shelter, clothes, food or other physical resources from you as punishment or an incentive. Other more obvious forms of financial abuse are stealing or withholding money.
Many people do not realize that their partner can be charged with stalking, but certain actions are illegal, even within a marriage. If your spouse unexpectedly shows up at your work to check on you, goes through your garbage, repeatedly calls you or tries to get information about you from your family members or friends, this can be considered stalking. For more information on domestic violence, please visit our web page.
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